Saddam hanged in Iraq
Saddam hanged in Iraq - 29 Dec 2006 at 10:17pm - The US-backed Iraqi television station Al Hurra says former president Saddam Hussein was executed by hanging shortly before 6:00am local time (2pm AEDT) today.
Saddam hanged in Iraq - 29 Dec 2006 at 10:17pm - The US-backed Iraqi television station Al Hurra says former president Saddam Hussein was executed by hanging shortly before 6:00am local time (2pm AEDT) today.
U.S. military to press for more training of Iraqis - 29 Dec 2006 at 11:39am - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon will press for intensive training of Iraqi forces, not an overhaul of tactics or strategy, as it seeks a solution for a war the United States is not winning, defense officials said.
That sounds good, but why didn't they press for intensive training three years ago? Is this the Gates influence at work? As I recall, back in 2003 Germany offered to help train Iraqi security forces; has Iraq taken advantage of that opportunity?
Bush's New Year's resolution: Keep troops safe - 28 Dec 2006 at 2:40pm - President George W. Bush wants more consultation with Congress and the Iraqis before "coming to closure" on a plan for Iraq, he told reporters outside his Texas ranch on Thursday.
"Consultation" = rubber-stamping?
Ex-officials: Article wrongly classifed - 22 Dec 2006 at 12:59pm - WASHINGTON -- The White House demanded the excision of material for an article on Iranian-American relations for political - not security - reasons, two former government officials allege.
AP: Pentagon wants $99.7B more for wars - 20 Dec 2006 at 2:50pm - WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon wants the White House to seek another $99.7 billion to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to information provided to The Associated Press.
$99.7 billion for one last push: good deal?
Surprise? Didn't Gates say just Monday that he was planning to visit Baghdad as soon as possible to consult with military leaders there?
The insurgents probably think Bush is thwarting their efforts at establishing security, too.
U.S. Plans Military Buildup To Warn Iran - 19 Dec 2006 at 9:59am - CBS News reports the Pentagon is considering a military buildup in the Persian Gulf after the first of the year as a warning to the Iranian government. The plan would include adding a second aircraft carrier to the one already in the Gulf.
Recall that after U.S. troop buildups around Iraq in 2003 for "warning" purposes, one of the arguments for invading was that an enormous investment had already been made to move all the troops and equipment there, and it would be a waste of that investment not to proceed with the invasion.
Gates: Iraq failure would be 'calamity' - 18 Dec 2006 at 2:11pm - WASHINGTON -- Robert Gates assumed the helm at the Pentagon on Monday, saying Iraq is his top priority and warning that failure there would be a "calamity" that would haunt the United States for many years.
"Would be" a calamity? It isn't already?
How about stepping back from the fantasy that there remains anything to be won militarily?
Powell is sounding remarkably Murtha-like. I wonder if he's aware what a radical far-lefty he's become.
Pelosi announces intelligence plans - 14 Dec 2006 at 11:19am - WASHINGTON -- Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that she will create a new congressional panel to examine the administration's intelligence budget and to make sure the money is being spent properly.
Bush: I won't be rushed on Iraq - 13 Dec 2006 at 2:57pm - WASHINGTON -- President Bush has defended his delaying an announcement of a new Iraq war strategy, saying "I'm not going to be rushed."
Take your time. It's only your subjects dying, every day; what's the rush?
Isn't defeat pretty much a foregone conclusion by now? What sort of victory could he still be hoping for?
Bush to announce Iraq plan in January - 12 Dec 2006 at 3:13pm - WASHINGTON -- President Bush on Tuesday put off until early next month announcing a new approach to the Iraq war. "It only makes sense for the president to take whatever time he needs to have confidence in the course that he will put forward before the American people," said Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
Is anyone convinced that Bush is looking so much for a new course in the war as for how merely to give the appearance of taking a new course?
Bush says Iraq's neighbors need to help - 11 Dec 2006 at 1:25pm - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Facing strong pressure to shift course in Iraq, President George W. Bush said in a veiled message to Iran and Syria on Monday that Iraq's neighbors need to help Baghdad's struggling government survive.
Is Bush threatening Iran and Syria, or offering them some kind of inducement? Or, if neither, doesn't he think Iran and Syria can make up their own minds about what level of assistance they wish to provide to Iraq?
Via Matt Stoller and Huffington Post (and the Washington Post), this info regarding the training of Iraqi security forces:
So out of 140,000 currently in Iraq, only 5,000 are working toward the milestone George Bush has identified as the trigger for redeployment: Iraqi military readiness. What does that say about the Bush administration's priorities? It seems we're still (and would remain, even after this proposed major realignment) focused much more on the eradication of undesirable elements than on the integration of all Iraqi people into a functioning democratic state.
Talking, rather than shooting? Is this the Baker influence at work?